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How to repopulate data when using getServerSideProps and the page allows data modification in NextJS

Lets say I have a page example.com/user/1 that consists of a single component which I pass props to using getServerSideProps and thus is SSR'd. For this example lets say the props is {"name":"Bob"}

That page allows the user to modify the name value that is displayed on that page, which is updated using a standard fetch() call to the backend. That fetch() call returns the updated value (lets say {"name":"Alice"} ), which I now would like to display on the UI.

However I can't because the component is using the props to generate the UI.

As I see it I have 3 options:

  1. Force a refresh of the whole page, which would now get the updated name property from the getServerSideProps function in the backend.
  2. Create a copy of the props as a local state, use that to generate the UI, and update that state value whenever the name is updated using fetch() . So something like:
const User = ({ name }) => {
  const [localName, setLocalName] = useState(``);
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const saveNewName = async (name) => {
    await fetch(url, {name}, etc....);

  // Still missing the UI to enter a new name and save it to the backend!

  return <p>Hello, {localName}</p>;
  1. Not use getServerSideProps at all, nor the component props, but instead fetch the data after the page is hydrated, like a "traditional" SPA.

Are these three approaches reasonable? Which is the better option? Is there another, better option? Thank you!

You can use getServerSideProps to fetch data at request time and then have as state which get updated when the data has been changed --option 2

alternatively, you can use client side if you don't need to pre-render the data, SWR is an option that handles caching, revalidation, focus tracking, refetching on intervals, and more. Check SWR by NextJS

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