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fix and edit a FITS header

I have a code to fix a header called "fix_header.py". I have tried to change location of a FITS file and if in the terminal I run python3 fix_header.py I get an error as:

AssertionError: attempted to get a local data file outside of the __main__ tree

But if I open python3 or python2 in the terminal and enter the code line by line, it works. My code is:

from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.utils.data import get_pkg_data_filename

fits_file = get_pkg_data_filename("../test/FITS-Header/IMAGES/STACK/input_file.fits") #path to the test 

with fits.open(fits_file, 'update') as f:
    for hdu in f:
        hdu.header['OBJECT'] = "Mao"


print(repr(fits.getheader(fits_file, 0)))

My question is whether or not the error refers to a bug? How can I run the code without entering it line by line in the terminal?

In my opinion, it's a bug of your pc and you just can run your code entering line by line every time. Or try with another pc!

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