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How do I add html styles in Vaadin's RichTextEditor like was possible in Vaadin 8 RichTextArea

For example in Vaadin 8 with the RichTextArea I could add <style> in the html and that would be respected. As well I could add table (yes old school but still valid html) however in RichTextEditor any <style> is completely removed and the tables are changed to <p> tags. I'm trying to transition an app from Vaadin 8 and this it is critically important to be able to edit text through html directly within the application as a lot of the existing data is in html. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

The new RichTextEditor introduced in Vaadin 10 is based on the Quill library, which does not yet support tables ( https://github.com/quilljs/quill/issues/117 ).

The examples in the documentation give a pretty good picture of what formatting is supported.

Styles can be applied inline to each element, and by applying a stylesheet to the RTE component using a theme or @CssImport

There are also add-ons based on other libraries that might be a better fit, eg https://vaadin.com/directory/component/ckeditorvaadin and https://vaadin.com/directory/component/tinymceeditorforvaadin , but I haven't checked their table or styling support.

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