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specifying assembly in layered architecture

I specify mapster service operations in web program.cs in layered architecture, but I want to use this application in another layer. And I'm having trouble choosing assembly.

Web Layer Program.cs

var config = TypeAdapterConfig.GlobalSettings;
builder.Services.AddScoped<IMapper, ServiceMapper>();

Service Layer Mapping Classes

namespace Exams.Service.Mapping
    public class QuestionMappingConfig : IRegister
        public void Register(TypeAdapterConfig config)
            config.NewConfig<QuestionViewModel, Question>().IgnoreNullValues(true);
            config.NewConfig<Question, QuestionViewModel>().IgnoreNullValues(true);

I am getting a warning like this

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Warning CS8604 Possible null reference argument for parameter 'assemblies' in 'IList TypeAdapterConfig.Scan(params Assembly[] assemblies)'.



To summarize, for the Mapster application that I have to define in the Web layer, I want to use the configurations that I defined in the Service layer in the Service layer, but I have trouble choosing the assembly. How can I fix?

Assembly.GetAssembly returns Assembly? (see nullable reference types ), you can either use null-forgiving operator ( ! ):


Or just use Assembly from the type instance:


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