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Making Access toolbar visible

I have an Access 2000 application that a client wants updated to Office 365. The old db has a toolbar that I'd like to use but it appears under “Add-Ins” on the main ribbon. The toolbar works just fine but it's very awkward and unprofessional to have the user select it from the add-Ins menu. How do it make visible when the db is opened?

Is this still a mdb, or was it converted to accDB (or accDE)?

How big/extensive is the add-in menu? (extensive, or just a few options???). If just a few options, then you could create a custom ribbon.

A HUGE but BEYOND huge tip? - don't use ribbon call backs. I can expand on this suggestion. But as a general rule the SAME command for the menu can be created and used for the ribbon - and without a call back.

So, right now, about your only option would be to:

Use an access 2000, or 2003 runtime (if you have a copy).

Or consider building a custom ribbon. I mean, a2000? That is 22 years ago.

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