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Yup validation - check if value doesn't match other field

Hi I am trying to find a way to compare 2 fields and validate only if they are not equal.

This is the only idea I was able to come up with but it doesn't work:

      [FormField.houseHoldMembers as any],
      'error message',

You can compare the two values and validate only if they are not equal like this:

const mySchema = yup.object({
  text1: yup.number().required(),
  text2: yup
    .when(["text1"], (text1, schema) => {
      return schema.notOneOf([text1], "the two values should not be equal");

You can take a look at this sandbox for a live working example of this solution.


const schema = yup.object({
   field1: yup.number().required(),
   field2: yup
     .notOneOf([yup.ref('field1'), null], 'The two values should not be equal'),

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