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Why do I get ':' expected.ts(1005) as a Typescript error?

Within the handleLogin function on my login page of my Next.js project I am getting this Typesricpt error: ':' expected.ts(1005)

Here is the function which is supposed to handle the login:

 const handleLogin = useCallback(async (credentials) => {

        if (!credentials.email) {
            return setError('email is missing')
        if (!credentials.password) {
            return setError('password is missing')
        try {
            const response: SignInResponse | undefined = await signIn('credentials', { ...credentials, redirect: false })
            if (response?error && response.error === 'CredentialsSignin') {
                setError('email or password are wrong')
            } else {
        } catch {
            setError('login failed')
        } finally {
    }, [router, error])

On this image you can see on which section of the code the error is showing up: 错误位置

I have no clue which this error is showing up.

I think you have a typo.

The condition is looking like a ternary or conditional operator ( a? b: c ) So the following line is expecting the colon:

response?error && response.error === 'CredentialsSignin'

However, that is not what you are intending. I think you have a typo and instead want optional chaining:

response?.error && response.error === 'CredentialsSignin'

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