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How to create multiple table columns in 1 room database?

I have created 1 room database following best practices in kotlin. I want to create 2 table columns within 1 database. How can I stack tables within the database? Any advice is appreciated!

Something similar to this: https://gyazo.com/6327f163f463a4b19b59c5aece2136e3

Age database: https://gyazo.com/0074f2e4f002de9a3ad07ec593a826d4

Gender database: https://gyazo.com/c8b800b8f2f4fc6b43a9de2ddfdb1e7d

My age database:

@Database(entities = [Age::class], version = 1, exportSchema = false)
abstract class AgeDb : RoomDatabase() {

    abstract fun AgeDao() : AgeDao

    companion object {

        private var INSTANCE : AgeDb? = null

        fun getDatabase(context: Context) : AgeDb {

            val tempInstance = INSTANCE
            if (tempInstance != null) {

                return tempInstance

            synchronized(this) {

                val instance = Room.databaseBuilder(
                INSTANCE = instance
                return instance


i see your code. actually,I can't understand why don't you use only one database? and create two table,even you can only create one table to save age attribute and gender attribute. so,maybe you would think about it, did you design the right databases and tabels

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