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check if an element has length zero in an array and do something with that element on javascript

I want to know if some elements in an array has length zero, and with those elements I want to change the color for example. all of this with javascript es5.

for example, I have a form with some inputs in there, I want to check if there is any input in that form with value length equal zero, and for those inputs that has value length equal zero I want to change the border color to red.

The following code snippet may help you in achieving the results.

 const checkVal = function(){ let inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); for(input of inputs){ if(input.value.length == 0) input.style.borderColor="red"; else input.style.borderColor="black"; } }
 <input type="text"> <input type="text"> <input type="text"> <a href="javascript:" onclick="checkVal()">Check Empty Inputs</a>

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