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mappls.direction is not a function i'm getting this error

i'm getting this error in mappls.direction is not function


I'm getting this error in web

  1. mappls.direction is not function
  2. Please check credentials invalid

even i'm using his default code ( https://about.mappls.com/api/web-sdk/vector-plugin-example/Direction/mappls-tracking-direction-plugin )

First You have to Register from this link

You can get client Id and secret from console

to generate access_token from here Generate Token

and than put in your code

<script src="https://apis.mappls.com/advancedmaps/api/<Token>/map_sdk?layer=vector&v=3.0&callback=initMap1"></script>
<script src="https://apis.mappls.com/advancedmaps/api/<token>/map_sdk_plugins?v=3.0"></script>

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