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Change color items in v-list-item

I have a dropdown with multiple items in it and I'd like to change their appearances. At the moment, I can only change the color of the appended item "Select All" but no the ones under it. Does anyone know how to do this?

  <v-container fluid>
      <template v-slot:prepend-item>
          class="test elevation-0"
            <v-icon :color="valuesType.length > 0 ? 'var(--yellow)' : ''">
              {{ iconType }}
            <v-list-item-title class="select-all"> 
              Select All
      <template v-slot:selection="{ item, index }">
        <div v-if="valuesType.length === 1">
          <span v-if="index === 0 && valuesType[0].length > 16">
            {{ valuesType[0].slice(0,16) }}... 
          <span v-if="index === 0 && valuesType[0].length <= 16">
            {{ valuesType[0] }} 
        <div v-if="valuesType.length === 2 ">
          <span v-if="index === 0 && valuesType[0].length <= 8">
            {{ valuesType[0] }},&nbsp; 
          <span v-if="index === 0 && valuesType[0].length > 8">
            {{ valuesType[0].slice(0,8) }}...,&nbsp; 
          <span v-if="index === 1  && valuesType[1].length <= 8">
            {{ valuesType[1] }} 
          <span v-if="index === 1 && valuesType[1].length > 8">
            {{ valuesType[1].slice(0,8) }}... 
        <div v-if="valuesType.length > 2">
          <span v-if="index === 0 && valuesType[0].length <= 10">
            {{ item }},&nbsp; 
          <span v-if="index === 0 && valuesType[0].length > 10">
            {{ valuesType[0].slice(0,10) }}...,&nbsp; 
            v-if="index === 1"
            class="grey--text text-caption spanFilters"
            +{{ valuesType.length - 1 }} other(s)

I'd like the items under the "Select All" (the checkboxes and also the hover) to have the same yellow as the "Select All".


Check this codepen The v-checkbox component of vuetify accepts a color prop by which you can change the checkbox's color.

<v-checkbox color="yellow" :input-value="active"></v-checkbox>

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