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How to upload a file to a web server

I'm trying to send different types of files to myself over my local.network using PowerShell. I think I'm onto something with the command;

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Method Post -InFile "file.txt"`

But sadly, I get this response;

    Invoke-RestMethod :

        Error response

        Error response
        Error code: 400
        Message: Field "files" not found.
        Error code explanation: HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST - Bad request syntax or unsupported method.

The server I'm trying to upload to is just a python module called uploadserver; https://pypi.org/project/uploadserver/

How can I use PowerShell to upload files?

If the server is on your local.network you could mount the server as a.network drive and simply run

Copy-item ./file.txt ./destinationdrive

Or you can use remoting So from your logged in session

$remote_session = New-PSsession
Copy-item ./file.txt -tosession $remote_session ./filepath/file.txt

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