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angular two different build command to generate different js file hashes

I have latest angular project. I got two different npm commands in package.json . Both of these commands executes ng build --output-path=... and generate build files in different locations using different --output-path flags. Is there any flag or any property that I can apply in angular.json so that build files have different hashes for these two different npm commands? Something like hash prefix. So that index.html files are not identical since they import different js files.

The reason behind that is that: js files are cached. These two npm command is two different deployment (one for ssr one for csr) and I need to cache js files without cache overleaping for these two deployments (need different names).

Try adding the --output-hashing param on the build command itself, eg:

ng build --output-path=... --output-hashing=bundles

The values are either all , bundles , media or none .

This will generate angular bundles with a hash like this: main.62beb1fb93041eb44194.js , and the index.html will link to those hashed versions.

Docs: https://angular.io/cli/build#options

You can also add the parameter into angular.json like this:

"build": {
      "options": {
        "outputHashing": "all",

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