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How to check if a user is in a role in Asp.Net Core Identity Framework

I've an app that will have multiples level of organization, and for each level, there will be rights(admin-reader-...).

I want to create(and maintain) a list of roles for each user, but it means that a lot of those roles name will be dynamic, like {id-of-the-organization]-admin .

Therefore, I cannot just do the usual Authorize :

[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator, PowerUser")]
public class ControlAllPanelController : Controller
    public IActionResult SetTime() =>
        Content("Administrator || PowerUser");

    [Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
    public IActionResult ShutDown() =>
        Content("Administrator only");

I would like to have something like

public class ControlAllPanelController : Controller
    public IActionResult SetTime(Guid organizationId) {
        someService.Authorize(organizationId+"-SetTime");//Throw exception or return boolean
        //... rest of my logic

Not sure how to achieve this? I've seen example of this with the IAuthorize service, but this was requiring to provide policies name, which I don't have for this case(Or maybe there is one by default but I don't know its name. `

I've seen that the ClaimsPrincipal has a IsInRole , but I'm not totally sure it get the latest information from Asp.Net Core Identity Framwork(from the user manager) (only what is stored inside the token?)?

You can use HttpContext to look at the claims in the JWT.

I have recently been working with authorizations in .NET API and this is what I done:

var identity = this.HttpContext.User.Identities.FirstOrDefault();
var role = identity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "role").Value;
if (role != "Admin")
    return Unauthorized("You don't have to correct permissons to do this.");

So I'm getting the Identity details, then searching the claims for the role claim.

As a side note, Im using this in a controller inheriting from ControllerBase so I believe HttpContext is a property of this class so no need to inject it if you're using this. Else, you'd probably have to use it via DI, but should all work the same.

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