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Why .net maui App Crashing On iOS device?

I have a .NET MAUI application installed on iPad (9th generation, ios 15.5). Application is .NET MAUI "Hello World" program that is present when a blank maui project is created.

The application does not load and only appears a splash screen for a few seconds. I am unable to view any content in app

I also developed my .NET MAUI app and installed on ipad. This application behaves the same. I can't see any content from app and the splash screen is displayed 26s after lunch. After the 26s application crashed.

Has anyone had similar experiences running a .NET MAUI application on a real iOS device? Both applications I mentioned debugged without problems in the ios simulator on the macBook device.

I am using Visual Studio 2022 preview version 17.4.0 preview 2.0

I am grateful for any answer and advice.

I installed VS 17.4 Preview 2.1 and changed Target Framework for iOS to.net7.0-ios. That solved my problem

Add this to your Maui.csproj file. I think It can help somebody.

<PropertyGroup Condition="$(TargetFramework.Contains('-ios'))">

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