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JavaScript: How to call STATIC method on superclass but the method isnot defined on the derivated class?

I have these classes:

 class Control { static Code = 3; static GetCodeChain() { var result = []; result.push(this.Code); if (super.GetCodeChain) { result = result.concat(super.GetCodeChain()); } return result; } } class SubControl extends Control { static Code = 2; } class AnotherControl extends SubControl { static Code = 1; } console.log(AnotherControl.GetCodeChain()); // prints 1, but I want [1,2,3]

I cannot write the methods on the subclasses.

How to call the STATIC method on the superclass properly?

I think I found a solution:

 class Control { static Code = 3; static GetCodeChain() { var result = []; for (var proto = this; proto; proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)) { if (proto.Code) { result.push(proto.Code);} } return result; } } class SubControl extends Control { static Code = 2; } class AnotherControl extends SubControl { static Code = 1; } console.log(AnotherControl.GetCodeChain()); //prints [1,2,3]

Using "Object.getPrototypeOf(this)" I can access the superclass even on an static context. On this context, "this" is the derivated class itself. No instances are involved on this solution.

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