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c++ Handle class circular reference problem

I am not sure if the title of my question is correct and clear enough. I am not a very experienced software engineer.

I have been preparing a 3D geometry library which utilizes handles as i dont want to use either delete operators or smart pointers. I have a number of classes which are involved in a class hierarchy (implementation inheritance): ReferenceBase, PointBase, Point2D, Point3D, VectorBase etc. For example, CoordSystem inherits from GeometryBase, PointBase inherits from ReferenceBase and LinePieceBase inherits from GeometryBase. I have corresponding handle classes for each: Handle_GeometryBase, Handle_Point2D, Handle_Plane etc. I implemented the library using handle objects (eg Handle_Point2D) instead of the original classes (eg Point2D). For example the project point method of Plane class is defined like:

Handle_Point3D Plane::project(const Handle_PointBase& point) {}

The handle classes have the same hierarchy reflected (eg Handle_VectorBase inherits from Handle_ReferenceBase). I could not utilize a generic class for the handles because of this inheritance. So, i have defined a handle class for each original class using macros. The handle classes are almost the same accept for a few details so i have defined three macros.

This is the architecture i have:

// Forward declarations for the handle classes
class Handle_Foo;
class Handle_Bar;

class Foo {
    int a;
    Foo(int aa) : a{ aa } {}
    /* copy/move ctors, assignments and dtor */

class Bar {
    Handle_Foo f;
    Bar(const Handle_Foo& ff) : f{ ff } {}
    /* copy/move ctors, assignments and dtor */

class Handle_Foo {
    Foo* p;
    Handle_Foo() : p{} {}
    Handle_Foo(Foo* pp) : p{ pp } {}
    Handle_Foo(const Handle_Foo& rhs) : p{ new Foo{ *rhs.p } } {};
    Handle_Foo(Handle_Foo&& rhs) noexcept : p{ rhs.p } { delete rhs.p; }
    Handle_Foo& operator=(const Handle_Foo& rhs) {
        p = new Foo{ *rhs.p };
        return *this;
    Handle_Foo& operator=(Handle_Foo&& rhs) noexcept {
        p = rhs.p;
        delete rhs.p;
        return *this;
    Foo* operator->() const { return p; }
    ~Handle_Foo() { delete p; }
    Foo* Get() const noexcept { return p; }
    void Set(Foo* pp) noexcept { p = pp; }
    bool IsNull() const noexcept { return bool(p == nullptr); }

class Handle_Bar {
    Bar* p;
    Handle_Bar() : p{} {}
    Handle_Bar(Bar* pp) : p{ pp } {}
    Handle_Bar(const Handle_Bar& rhs) : p{ new Bar{ *rhs.p } } {};
    Handle_Bar(Handle_Bar&& rhs) noexcept : p{ rhs.p } { delete rhs.p; }
    Handle_Bar& operator=(const Handle_Bar& rhs) {
        p = new Bar{ *rhs.p };
        return *this;
    Handle_Bar& operator=(Handle_Bar&& rhs) noexcept {
        p = rhs.p;
        delete rhs.p;
        return *this;
    Bar* operator->() const { return p; }
    ~Handle_Bar() { delete p; }
    Bar* Get() const noexcept { return p; }
    void Set(Bar* pp) noexcept { p = pp; }
    bool IsNull() const noexcept { return bool(p == nullptr); }

So the original classes requires the handle classes to be defined as you see.

The handle examples i saw on the inte.net or in the Stroustrup's book (c++ programming language) is defined with a template which calls the default copy and move ctors and the default dtor.

// Handle copy ctor for a template design
template<class T>
class Handle {
    T* p;
    Handle(const Handle& rhs) : p{ new T{ *rhs.p } } {};
    /* Other code */

However, my architecture requires the ctors, dtor and assignment operators to be defined.

// Handle copy ctor for my current design
class Handle_Bar {
    Bar* p;
    Handle_Bar(const Handle_Bar& rhs) : p{ new Bar{ *rhs.p } } {};
    /* Other code */

The copy ctor requires the copy ctor of Bar class to be defined due to p{ new Bar{ *rhs.p } } .

In summary, the original classes require the definition for the handle classes and the handle classes require the definition of copy/move ctors, asssinments and dtor for the original classes.

For this design pattern i recive the following error for the (Handle_Foo f) member defined in Bar class:

f uses undefined class Handle_Foo

Previously i had a different pattern. I have defined the handle classes in another header file like


// Forward declarations for the original classes
class Foo;
class bar;
/* The same definitions for the handle classes as above */


#include "Handles.h"
/* Definitions for the original clasases */

In this case, the original class definitions worked but for the copy/move ctors/assignments and dtor of the handle classes i recieved errors.

In the past i used a framework (Caesam) which used handle classes defined for each object which worked well. But the implementaation of the framework is not open source. Hence, i could not get the architecture they used.

Hence, how can i solve the error i mentioned above:

Error: f uses undefined class Handle_Foo

I have solved the problem. The framework I used Caesam actually uses OpenCascade (OCCT) library for the handles. OCCT can be downloaded from https://www.opencascade.com/ . VS configuration procedure for OCCT is described in this video . Defining and implementation of a handle is as follows:

// The header file: Foo.hxx
#ifndef _Foo_HeaderFile
#define _Foo_HeaderFile

#ifndef _Standard_HeaderFile
#include <Standard.hxx>
#ifndef _Standard_Handle_HeaderFile
#include <Standard_Handle.hxx>
#ifndef _Standard_Type_HeaderFile
#include <Standard_Type.hxx>
#ifndef _Standard_Size_HeaderFile
#include <Standard_Size.hxx>
#ifndef _Standard_Transient_HeaderFile
#include <Standard_Transient.hxx>
#ifndef _FooBase_HeaderFile
#include "FooBase.hxx"

// Forward declaration of the class and the base class
class Foo;
class FooBase;

// Define the handle

class Foo: public FooBase
    // Define the members, ctors, dtor and operators

    // Define the RTTI


All classes can be defined similarly. The implementation of RTTI should be performed after all definitions are done. So, its better to do RTTI implementation in cxx files.

// Foo.cxx
#include "Foo.hxx"

// Define RTTI

// Implement the functions

Standard_Transient is the base class for the OCCT. Its better to create an abstract base class for your project inheritting from Standard_Transient

class AbstractBase : public Standard_Transient

class foo: public AbstractBase

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