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Spring 2.x multiple datasources and p6spy

I've created a multiple datasource setup with spring-boot. It looks like this:




@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
public class DataSourceConfig {

        @Bean(name = "db1")
        public DataSource statusServiceDataSource(){
                return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

        @Bean(name = "db2")
        public DataSource identifierResolverServiceDataSource(){
                return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

I use the datasource this way:

DataSource db2;

Until here everything works fine. Now I wanted to include p6spy depending on a value of the properties, but I get different errors.

First approach:

return new P6DataSource(DataSourceBuilder.create().build());

leads to:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dataSource or dataSourceClassName or jdbcUrl is required.

Second approach:

return DataSourceBuilder.create().type(P6DataSource.class).build();

leads to:

P6DataSource: no value for Real Data Source Name, cannot perform jndi lookup

Looking at the P6Spy docs, I thought my approach was enough, but It looks like it isn't. What can I do to solve the problem? Do I really have to go the whole way with defining jndi/lookUp names for my 7+ DataSources?

Also when looking up my datasource properties in application.yaml I get an error from IntelliJ saying "Cannot resolve configuration property", which is strange, as the app works just fine with all datasources without p6spy.

I'm working in a similar solution. I couldn't use the spring boot autoconfiguration so... first thing to do is to add your maven dependency for p6spy. Then, you need a psy.properties where you could add your driver to driverlist like this (DB2 example)


I had troubles at first using P6DataSource, so I tried the url + driver approach in order to test the library configurations.

Once the url + driver approach worked for me, I returned to P6DataSource


Maybe you could try it

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