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Twine GCP Artifact registry - HTTPError: 413 Request Entity Too Large

I am trying to upload private packages to a repository in my Artifact Registry. I'm using google cloud shell to upload a /dist from my package using twine. Using the following tutorial https://cloud.google.com/artifact-registry/docs/python/store-python

Trying to upload any package on my side using twine:

python3 -m twine upload --repository-url https://MY_REGION-python.pkg.dev/MY_PROJECT/MY_REPO dist/*

gives me:

ERROR HTTPError: 413 Request Entity Too Large from https://eu-west3-python.pkg.dev/membrane-94db9/nlpmodels Request Entity Too Large

even a 56.8 kB package gives me this error Any idea how to increase this limit? Thanks,

I faced the same issue and found out that this 413 is quite misleading.

In my case, the error was due to the repository URL. I mistakenly used the short name of the region for the MY_REGION token as it appears in your question. It would have make more sense to raise a 404.

However using the long name of the region solved the issue.

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