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AWS Lightsail Metric graphs "No data available"

We're using AWS Lightsail PostgreSQL Database. We've been experiencing errors with our C# application timing out when using the connection to database. As I'm trying to debug the issue, I went to look at the Metric graphs in AWS. I noticed that many of the graphs have frequent gaps in the data, labeled No data available . See image below.

没有可用数据的 AWS Lightsail 指标图

This graph (and most of the other metrics) shows frequent gaps in the data. I'm trying to understand if this is normal, or could be a symptom of the problem. If I go back to 2 weeks timescale, there does not appear to be any other strange behaviors in any of the metric data. For example, I do not see a point in time in the past where the CPU or memory usage went crazy. The issue started happening about a week ago, so I was hoping the metrics would have helped explained why the connections to the PostgreSQL database are failing from C#.

So I guess my question is, are those frequent gaps of No data available normal for a AWS Lightsail Postgres Database?

Other Data about the machine:

1 GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 40 GB SSD
PostgreSQL database (12.11)

In the last two weeks (the average metrics show):

  • CPU utilization has never gone over 20%
  • Database connections have never gone over 35 (usually less than 5) (actually, usually 0 )
  • Disk queue depth never goes over 0.2
  • Free storage space hovers around 36.5 GB
  • Network receive throughput is mostly less than 1 kB/s (with one spike to 141kB/s )
  • Network transmit throughput is mostly less than 11kB/s with all spikes less than 11.5kB/s

I would love to view the AWS logs, but they are a month old, and when trying to view them they are filled with checkpoint starting/complete logs. They start at one month ago and each page update only takes me 2 hours forward in time (and taking ~6 seconds to fetch the logs). This would require me to do ~360 page updates, and when trying, my auth timed out.

So we never figured out the reason why, but this seems like it was a problem with the AWS LightSail DB. We ended up using a snapshot to create a new clone of the DB, and wiring the C# servers to the new DB. The latency issues we were having disappeared and the metric graphs looked normal (without the strange gaps).

I wish we were able to figure out the root of the problem. ATM, we are just hoping the problem does not return.

When in doubt, clone everything!

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