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I have a problem when I tried to upload multiple files in node.js using multer

I'm trying to build a service that allows me to upload files I started with single-file uploading but I have an issue when I try to upload multiple files.

In short, my problem is that if I want to upload more than one image, it appears in the storage folder and I don't see the records in my DB.

Example of single-file upload record


Example of multi-file upload record


But those files are saved on my storage


There are two function in multer:

For single file to upload use:


For multiple file to upload use:

upload.array('photos', 12) //here 12 is max number of files to upload.

Refer to the following sample code:

const express = require("express");
const multer = require("multer");
const app = express();
const multerStorage = multer.memoryStorage();
// Filter files with multer if you need
const multerFilter = (req, file, cb) => {
if (file.mimetype.startsWith("image")) {
cb(null, true);
} else {
cb("upload only images.", false);
const upload = multer({
storage: multerStorage,
fileFilter: multerFilter,
app.post('/singleUpload', upload.single('avatar'), function (req, res,
next) {
// req.body will hold the text fields, if there were any
console.log(req.file);//req.file is the `avatar` file. here avatar is
input field name
app.post('/multipleUpload', upload.array('photos', 12), function (req,
res, next) {
// req.body will contain the text fields, if there were any
// req.files is array of `photos` files.here avatar is
input field name

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