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Drawing bitmap to screen Gloss Haskell

For uni I have this assignment where I need to code a simple game, im now having issues with drawing the player object to the screen. I have the following functions:

data Player = MkPlayer {
                playerpos :: Point,
                playerradius :: Int,
                playerbullets :: [Bullet]

instance Renderable Player where
  render (MkPlayer pos rad _ ) = do picture <- loadBMP "./images/player.bmp"
                                    return picture

view :: GameState -> IO Picture
view (MkGameState False (MkBoard player _) _) = render player

this displays the image to the center of the screen. But of course, I want to draw the image at the players position with the right size. How do i implement this? Any help at alll is aprreciated!!

before return use translate function

instance Renderable Player where
  render (MkPlayer (x,y) rad _ ) = do picture <- loadBMP "./images/player.bmp"
                                    return $ translate x y picture

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