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Downgrading Node version in NVM Permanently

I need to downgrade my node version in my ubuntu local environtment.


I have to use nvm use (version) lately to downgrade, but whenever i open a new terminal it always return to the default state.

It's not effective for me whenever i need to build my lower environtment project.

Please help me to make my life easier.

Big thanks!

Please do these steps:

1. Make the installed version default

nvm alias default 12.14.1

2. Use Your version with below syntax

nvm use 12.14.1

3. Check your node version

node -v

Thank you

This is my version answer

  1. Do below script to make your older version to be the default nvm

nvm alias default 12.14.1

  1. Select Your version with below syntax

nvm use 12.14.1

  1. Check your current node version

node -v

You can check it again with

node -v

after restart the terminal

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