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Joi Validation does not work on the below mentioned schema

    "email": "{{$randomExampleEmail}}",
    "dateofbirth": "2000-01-09",
    "company": {
        "company_document": {
            "documentType": "vat",
            "registationNumber": "1232223"
    "role": "VERIFIED_SELLER"

When client sends isCompanyRegsitration: true and role: VERIFIED_SELLER then i need to make sure that company property exists otherwise not and when isCompanyRegistration:false and role: SELLER then personal_document is required

My Joi Schema

const schema = Joi.object({
    email: Joi.string().trim().email().required(),
    company: Joi.object({
        company_name: Joi.string().trim().min(3).max(50).required(),
        address: Joi.object({
            city: Joi.string().trim().min(3).max(50).required(),

        company_document: Joi.object({
            documentType: Joi.any().required().valid("pan", "vat"),
            companyRegistrationDoc: Joi.string().required(),
            registationNumber: Joi.string().required(),
    personal_document: Joi.object({
        document_type: Joi.any()
        document_front: Joi.string().required(),
        document_back: Joi.string().required(),

    isCompanyRegistration: Joi.boolean().required(),
    role: Joi.any()
        .valid(...Object.keys(ACCOUNT_TYPE)), //account type is VERIFIED_SELLER or SELLER

I tried doing below mentioned thing but it doesnot seems to work. i also tried with xor and and but i cannot see if the value is true of false

when("role", {
            is: Joi.string().valid(ACCOUNT_TYPE.SELLER),
            then: Joi.object({
                document_type: Joi.any()
                document_front: Joi.string().required(),
                document_back: Joi.string().required(),

But this doesnot works and seems redundant

Try following

const schema = Joi.object({
    email: Joi.string().trim().email().required(),
    company: Joi.object({
        company_name: Joi.string().trim().min(3).max(50).required(),
        address: Joi.object({
            city: Joi.string().trim().min(3).max(50).required(),

        company_document: Joi.object({
            documentType: Joi.any().required().valid("pan", "vat"),
            companyRegistrationDoc: Joi.string().required(),
            registationNumber: Joi.string().required(),
    }).when('role', { is: 'VERIFIED_SELLER', then: Joi.required() }),
    personal_document: Joi.object({
        document_type: Joi.any()
        document_front: Joi.string().required(),
        document_back: Joi.string().required(),
    }).when('role', { is: 'SELLER', then: Joi.required() }),

    isCompanyRegistration: Joi.boolean().required(),
    role: Joi.any()
        .valid(...Object.keys(ACCOUNT_TYPE)), //account type is VERIFIED_SELLER or SELLER

Basically you need to add inline condition to each object

personal_document: Joi.object({...}).when('role', { is: 'SELLER', then: Joi.required() })

company: Joi.object({...}).when('role', { is: 'VERIFIED_SELLER', then: Joi.required() })

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