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Maven ignoring Cucumber tag argument after a prior maven argument

Currently I have the below maven command that consists of two different arguments, 1. testEnv (property set in my code), 2. cucumber tags.

I am not sure if my syntax is right for the cucumber tag options when it comes this cucumber version (4.8.1), but below is the command I am trying to run where it is ignoring/skipping the cucumber tags argument:

mvn clean test -DtestEnv=stg -Dcucumber.options="--tags @forecast"

Is there a reason why my program is running the first argument but not the cucumber tags argument? When I execute the above command, it just runs everything regardless of the cucumber tag from the feature files. Please let me know!

Later versions of maven use the syntax

mvn clean test -DtestEnv=stg -Dcucumber.filter.tags="--tags @forecast"

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