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How can I merge three html elements

Say I have the following structure:

<p>lorem ipsum</p>
<p>sit amen</p>

What is the best way to programmatically get the following in JS?

<p>lorem ipsum <span>dolor</span> sit amen</p>

Is it possible also to do this with differents tags like

<h1>lorem ipsum</h1>
<h1>sit amen</h1>

That should result in

<h1>lorem ipsum <span>dolor</span> sit amen</h1>

I'm not talking just of three elements: could be also something like:


This solution can use in any number of elements, the elements will be merged with the tag of the first element, in case the element have the same tag of the first element, it will be merged with it's textContent if not it will be appended with it's tag.

 const container = document.querySelector('.container') const [first, ...rest] = container.children; const result = rest.reduce((acc, child) => { if (child.tagName === first.tagName) { first.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ' + child.textContent)); } else { first.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); first.appendChild(child); } return acc; }, first) container.innerHTML = '' container.appendChild(result)
 <div class="container"> <h1>lorem ipsum</h1> <span>dolor</span> <h1>sit amen</h1> <span>dolor2</span> <h1>sit amen2</h1> </div>

You can try this code.

const h1tag = document.createElement("h1");
const node = document.createTextNode( 
    document.querySelectorAll("h1")[0].innerHTML + " " + 
    document.querySelector("span").outerHTML + " " + 

You could do something like this:

 const inPnl = document.getElementById('input'); const elems = inPnl.querySelectorAll('p, span'); const outPnl = document.getElementById('output'); elems[0].appendChild(elems[1]).appendChild(document.createTextNode(elems[2].innerText)); outPnl.appendChild(elems[0]);
 <em>input:</em> <div id=input> <p>lorem ipsum</p> <span>dolor</span> <p>sit amen</p> </div> <em>output:</em> <div id=output> </div>

Replace p with h1 in query selector, as needed.

So as it might be <p> or <h1> tags or something I assume you can add containers around the elements that need to be restructured. If so, you could do something generic like this.

 function restructure() { // get all divs that needs to be restructured let divsToRestructure = document.querySelectorAll('.default-structure'); divsToRestructure.forEach(divToRestructure => { // do what needs to happen to restructure a div let elements = divToRestructure.querySelectorAll('*'); let parentTag = elements[0].tagName; // create the element that needs to contain the new structure let newStructure = document.createElement(parentTag); // add all old elements in the new structure elements.forEach(element => { if(element.tagName == parentTag){ newStructure.innerHTML += element.innerHTML; } else{ newStructure.innerHTML += element.outerHTML; } newStructure.innerHTML += ' '; }) // clear the default-structured div divToRestructure.innerHTML = ''; // add the new structure to the div divToRestructure.appendChild(newStructure); divToRestructure.classList.remove('default-structure'); divToRestructure.classList.add('new-structure'); }); }
 div { border: solid black 1px; } span { font-style: italic; }
 <button onclick="restructure()">Restructure</button> <div class="default-structure"> <p>lorem ipsum</p> <span>dolor</span> <p>sit amen</p> </div> <div class="default-structure"> <h1>lorem ipsum</h1> <span>dolor</span> <h1>sit amen</h1> </div> <div class="default-structure"> <p>lorem ipsum</p> <span>dolor</span> <p>sit amen</p> <span>consectetur</span> <p>adipiscing elit</p> </div>

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