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How to return data from RabbitMQ consume function in nodejs?

I have consume function like this.

In this case when i put console.log() in consume callback function, i see messages coming from queue.

Function 1

 async function consumeData() {
  try {
    const connection = await amqp.connect("amqp://localhost:5672");
    const channel = await connection.createChannel();
    await channel.assertQueue(queueName);
    let consumedData;

    channel.consume(queueName, (message) => {
      consumedData = message.content.toString();
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Error", error);

But i dont wanna log this data. I wanna return and use it like this.

Function 2

 async function consumeData() {
  try {
    const connection = await amqp.connect("amqp://localhost:5672");
    const channel = await connection.createChannel();
    await channel.assertQueue(queueName);
    let consumedData;

    channel.consume(queueName, (message) => {
      consumedData = message.content.toString();
    return consumedData;
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Error", error);

When i run function 2 i cant return any data. How can i return data from this consume function?

return it after trycatch

 async function consumeData() {
  var consumedData = {};
  try {
    const connection = await amqp.connect("amqp://localhost:5672");
    const channel = await connection.createChannel();
    await channel.assertQueue(queueName);
    let consumedData;

    channel.consume(queueName, (message) => {
      consumedData = JSON.parse(message.content.toString());
  } catch (error) {
    console.log("Error", error);
  return consumedData;

and call the function using await

const data = await consumeData();

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