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Unhandled error in paytmchecksum.generateSignature

I am trying to integrate paytm payment api gateway, during creating paytmchecksum i faced below issue:

Issue:Unhandled error in paytmchecksum.generateSignature

If i don't add below line in index.d.ts file

declare module 'paytmchecksum';

It fails in deploying to firebase cloud functions saying Could not find a declaration file for module 'paytmchecksum'

If I add above mentioned entry, it compiles well but it fails in run time with below error:

{"severity":"ERROR","message":"Unhandled error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'generateSignature' 
  • for PaytmChecksum

previous issue background: Type script node.js - paytmchecksum undefined - generateSignature

You can try the following ways to resolve the error

Could not find a declaration file for module 'paytmchecksum'
  • Add paytmchecksum under dependencies in package.json

  • Use require instead of import as below

    var paytm_checksum = require( paytm/paytmchecksum)
  • Create your own type declarations file or use @ts-ignore on the line before the import.

    Check this StackOverflow thread , If you wish to create your own type.d.ts file

  • Run the following command to install paytmchecksum properly.

     npm install paytmchecksum

Also have a look at this thread

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