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How to include static files into the lambda package with AWS SAM esbuild?

I have a NodeJS AWS Lambda function which generates an e-mail based on a html template file ( emailTemplate.html ). I started building my lambdas with esbuild via SAM . Now I wonder how I can configure SAM/esbuild to include this file into my lambda package.

This is the SAM template configuration for the lambda:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: ./lambdas-node/email-notifications/
      Handler: daily-summary.handler
      Timeout: 120
      MemorySize: 512
      Runtime: nodejs16.x
      BuildMethod: esbuild
        Sourcemap: true
          - daily-summary.ts

In my application code, I read the file from the local file system:

fs.readFileSync("./emailTemplate.html", "utf-8")

The html file is small so I'd like to stick to this minimalistic approach. I can always fetch the file from S3 or package it in a layer but I prefer not to go there.

Ok, so basically ESBuild's file loader is the way to go. ESBuild will replace the import with a reference to the file and copy over the file to the result bundle. (That's exactly what I wanted.)

This behaviour seems rather specific to ESBuild and will not work with the regular tsc compiler. So I replaced my build step to typechecking with tsc and transpiling with esbuild (see below)

I added an import to the html file to my code. This will ESBuild trigger to do something with this file.

import emailTemplateHtmlUrl from "./emailTemplate.html";

To keep the typechecker happy, I added also a types.d.ts file (mind the d.ts extension)

declare module '*.html' {
  const value: string;
  export default value

And then I added the Loader to my SAM template so that ESBuild will copy over html files and reference them in the import:

    Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
      CodeUri: ./lambdas-node/email-notifications/
      Handler: daily-summary.handler
      Timeout: 120
      MemorySize: 512
      Runtime: nodejs16.x
      BuildMethod: esbuild
        Sourcemap: true
          - .html=file
          - daily-summary.ts

And finally, my new test command looks now like this:

tsc --noEmit
npx esbuild daily-summary.ts --outdir=. --loader:.html=file --platform=node 
mocha *.spec.js

If you're using javascript with esbuild, you need to specify the directory you want to include in your jsconfig.json file, simply by adding the "include" property that points to your external files. Example:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "commonjs",
    "baseUrl": "./src",
    "paths": {
      "@utils/*": ["./utils/*"]
  "include": ["src/**/*"]

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