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Convert Excel Password Protected file to a Normal Excel File With Password?

I have a use case where an Excel file is the data source, and it is sent to us password protected. I have downstream processes that expect an unlocked Excel file. I have the password.

I am looking for a way to create an unlocked version of the Excel file from the locked version using the given password, in a scripted fashion, to automate the process.

Does anyone know a way to apply the password to the Excel file and then save a new unlocked version?

If it is a "Password to Open" then the following VBS might help get you started.

' Create an Instance of Excel
Set App = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
' Load your file with given password
Set Workbook = App.Workbooks.Open("C:\path\to\your\file.xlsx",,,,"yourpassword")
' Optional - Allow Overwrite without prompt
App.DisplayAlerts = False
' Save your file, using the existing filename but reset/clear password
Workbook.SaveAs Workbook.FullName,,"",""
' Close and Quit
Set App = Nothing

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