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FCM HTTP v1 Batch request won't work in PHP

I'm using currently the Firebase messaging with PHP. I was able to make it work with a single notification with PHP and cURL. I've read the documentation about making batch request and I've constructed the request string as follow:

Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Authorization: Bearer ya29.xxxxxnY

POST /v1/projects/xxxxxxxx/messages:send
Content-Type: application/json
accept: application/json

   "body":"Notification de test 1"

Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Authorization: Bearer yaxxxxxxY

POST /v1/projects/xxxxxx/messages:send
Content-Type: application/json
accept: application/json

   "body":"Notification de test 1"

This string is generated in a file called batch_request.txt as the documentation said. When trying to send the request with cURL I receive this error:

  "error": {
    "code": 400,
    "message": "Failed to parse batch request, error:  0 items. Received batch body: (0) bytes redacted",
    "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT"

I've experienced a strange behavior also, which is when I construct that string manually (in PHP I use HEREDOC), the batch request does occurs with 200ok response. I've tried to find some hidden character but couldn't.

I know there is a library called firebase-php . The problem with it is that I cannot find a straight foreward example like this:

//authenticate with json file
//create new token if it doesn't exist or skip
//create notification array
//create data array
//send multi notifications to multiple devices

I actually use a for loop and mono notification (one device token, one message at a time). The problem with this is that not all notifications are sent.

I appreciate your help thanks!

I gathered the code from firebase-php docs. After installing the library with composer I get a lot of errors and a lot of missing files in Firebase directory inside vendor like Factory.php etc

My solution was to NOT USE firebase-php library due to the numerous bugs I've faced (or maybe misuses) neither to construct the REST request text file for batch request. I used instead the NodeJS SDK which worked like a charm. I'm running a javascript file from my php code using exec.

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