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Have to click 2 times before it opens my component

GM, I am a beginner in Angular, i use Leaflet for my application. I created some markers, and i want to open another component when i click on the marker.

This is the marker click

marker.on('click', () => {
  this.isAnySelectedObject = true;

Then in the app.js, under the map div, i put a ngIf on my child component

<marker-infos *ngIf="isAnySelectedObject"></marker-infos>

I have to click 2 times before the component appears, can someone help me please?

put this code in ngOnInit():

marker.on('click', () => {
  this.isAnySelectedObject = true;

The solution is:

import the ChangeDetectorRef and everytime i call a component in my map i only have to call this function "this.changeDetector.detectChanges();"

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