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How can I create a "playlist" of midi files on a raspberry pi?

I am trying to create a looping playlist of midi files on a raspberry pi for a christmas light display, i have a collection of midi files and I know that i can play them indivually with the command

aplaymidi -p 14 /home/user/Music/myMidi.mid

is there a way I can create a C script that would cycle between songs and restart once all are done?

I have looked around for info on Midi files and their interactions with C but have had little luck...

Here's a quick and dirty script to loop over the lines of a text file and play the midi files inside:


song_names=$1     #save the filename of the list of songs
while : # infinite loop
    while IFS="" read -r f || [ -n "$f" ]; do  # read a line, even if missing terminating line feed
        echo "Playing $f"
        aplaymidi -p 14 "$f"
    done < "$song_names"   # read from song names file

There's probably ways to make it more efficient (only read the file once, for example) but this should get you started.

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