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How to wait for the WildFly server to reload?

I reload the WildFly server as follows

CliCommandBuilder cliCommandBuilder = ...

And I need to wait for the server to start, because then I will deploy the new content. How can I do this?

I tried use method .waitFor() from java.lang.Process


But the thread continues to work after shutting down WildFly, not starting

I thought the reload command waited to terminate the process until WildFly was reloaded. However, there is a helper API you could use to check the process. Something like this should work:

final CliCommandBuilder commandBuilder = CliCommandBuilder.of("/opt/wildfly-27.0.0.Final")
final Process process = Launcher.of(commandBuilder)

// Wait for the process to end
if (!process.waitFor(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
    throw new RuntimeException("The CLI process failed to terminate");

try (ModelControllerClient client = ModelControllerClient.Factory.create("localhost", 9990)) {
    while (!ServerHelper.isStandaloneRunning(client)) {
    if (!Operations.isSuccessfulOutcome(result)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to check state: " + Operations.getFailureDescription(result).asString());
    System.out.printf("Running Mode: %s%n", Operations.readResult(result).asString());

You need to explicitly connect the CLI to the server. By default, this is localhost:9990 , which you can access by adding connect to the CLI commands (see the WildFly Admin Guide ). Otherwise, you should use the setController method .

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