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Where to find host name or IP for Seleniumwire

I'm trying to run seleniumwire driver in the remote mode. The issue is that I don't quite understand some instructions from the official docs: https://pypi.org/project/selenium-wire/#all-options

options = {
    'addr': 'hostname_or_ip'  # Address of the machine running Selenium Wire. Explicitly use rather than localhost if remote session is running locally.
driver = webdriver.Remote(

Where do I find the hostname of IP? At first I thought it might be the address I use for connecting to the selenium grid, something like this 'http://hub.selenium-grid:4444/wd/hub'. But it raised an error:

E   seleniumwire.thirdparty.mitmproxy.exceptions.ServerException: Error starting proxy server: gaierror(-2, 'Name or service not known')

So, if it's not the correct 'addr', what should I use instead?

I found a solution: https://github.com/wkeeling/selenium-wire/issues/327 it works for me when i use real ip, not i hope it will be useful to you

my code(the port 9922 is arbitrary,as long as the port is not in use):

    seleniumwire_options = {
        'suppress_connection_errors': False,
        'auto_config': True,
        'addr': '',
        'port': 9922
    driver = webdriver.Remote(

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