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How to tap on a android app button that is not visible because of a small screen?

I completed the most steps of connecting procedure of inapp wizard. Most of the steps were scrollable but at the end of wizard last step was to hit a text button which writes Connect on it, but I cant scroll that page down and couldn't see that button as same as on the phone ui. It's a text base button according to me because when I try to resize the app window same with my watch screen on my phone, the text letters start to separate and form changes to vertical. But when I completely downsize window to same with watch's size button completely disappears and cant tap on it.

So is there a command to tap this invisible button by a button id or the text label over interactive shell session?

I researched some possible actions by reasoning with my tiny knowledge and tried

getevent -l command

Print all touches to screen top and bottom points Converted the xy coordinates hex to decimal Tried input tap command to touch possible imaginary pixels below the screen eg: the bottom of screen is 701px so i think the distance between the top visible text which starts with ''we found the following Melitta..'' and the invisible connect button is about x2 a watch screen so I tried

input tap 343 1200,1300,1400,1500...

But it did not work because there is not a pixel coordinate on the watch's screen. So this beings me to second step to found a way to select exact word ''Connect'' button by a command

I'm looking for a command like

input tap text<Command>

or something like that.

Hi to all thanks for answers i solved my issue by a simple way i edited the apk over apk parser pto app on my phone and deleted the unneccessary warning texts on that last page after that compile it back and build a mod apk by this way device connect button come up and i able to tap it and connected to device. enter image description here

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