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wxListCtrl does not show images

I make use of a wxListCtrl which has one column (so a really simple list). Based on the listctrl-sample I tried to have the list-items with a icon in front. Unfortunately only the text is shown but not the image.

That's my code (relevant parts only):

m_toolImages=new wxImageList(25,25);

m_hideList=new wxListCtrl(toolPanel,wxID_ANY,wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(180,-1),wxLC_REPORT|wxLC_NO_HEADER|wxLC_SINGLE_SEL);

imageID=m_toolImages->Add(bm); // bm is a wxBitmap wit a size of 25x25 pixels


So...what could be missing here?

The report mode uses "small" image list and not the normal one, which is only used in the "icon" mode, so you need to set that one.

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