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how can I remove the white are black screen which comes before splash screen?

when I open the app, white screen appears with icon. Then only the splash screen appears. I have already tried changing the background colour.

You can use flutter_native_splash package. You can read the setting-the-splash-screen section for details. You need to cover

  # This package generates native code to customize Flutter's default white native splash screen
  # with background color and splash image.
  # Customize the parameters below, and run the following command in the terminal:
  # flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create
  # To restore Flutter's default white splash screen, run the following command in the terminal:
  # flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:remove

  # color or background_image is the only required parameter.  Use color to set the background
  # of your splash screen to a solid color.  Use background_image to set the background of your
  # splash screen to a png image.  This is useful for gradients. The image will be stretch to the
  # size of the app. Only one parameter can be used, color and background_image cannot both be set.
  color: "#42a5f5" #here the color 

Then follow run-the-package

flutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create

Flutter splash screen is built on top iOS Storyboard and Android Activity. You need to edit these files to proceed.

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