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Vue.js custom component can't find img src

So I am trying to make a custom component that inserts a icon.svg from a specific directory in my assets. The component loads in fine and custom attributes work too, however when they try to look for the image I get a 404 error.


  <img :src="'../src/assets/heroicons/'+this.styling+'/'+this.icon+'.svg'" alt=""> <!-- this one does not work -->
  <img src="../src/assets/heroicons/solid/database.svg" alt=""> <!-- this one works -->

export default {
  name: "IconComp",
  props: [
  created() {
    console.log(this.styling+' '+this.icon)

<style scoped>
  img {
    filter: invert(100%);

As you can see in the images, the attributes end up at the right place but it can't find the files.

I use images in vue:

    <img class="avatar__img" src="src/assets/img/task.png" alt="profile avatar">
    <img class="task__img" :src="task.img" :alt="task.alt">

    const task = {
         alt: 'alt for task 1',
        img: 'src/assets/img/task.png',

: projectName/src/assets/img/task.png :projectName/src/assets/img/task.png
: projectName/src/pages/tasks/index.vue:项目名称/src/pages/tasks/index.vue

use a js object to record the icons info

export default {
    icon1: require('@/assets/.......'),
    icon2: require('@/assets/.......'),
    icon3: require('@/assets/.......'),
    icon4: require('@/assets/.......'),

then you can use these icons in your code everywhere

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