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What is the best approach to use remote reindexing API of elasticcluster when migration millions of documents?

I have approx. 100million documents in an index and i want to migrate it to new cluster using reindex API. I want to do it in the throttling manner.

I tried using request_per_seconds to 100000 but it will take hours to complete whole process. Q.1 Can i use request_per_seconds to maybe 1000000 to reduce process time? Q.2 Is there any better approach i can use for better reindexing in throttling manner?

Reindex supports Sliced scroll to parallelize the reindexing process. This parallelization can improve efficiency and provide a convenient way to break the request down into smaller parts.

POST _reindex?slices=5&refresh
  "source": {
    "index": "my-index-000001"
  "dest": {
    "index": "my-new-index-000001"


You can also read about the advice for optimizing for speed, things like:

  • Disabling refresh for that period
  • Reduce replicas to 0 etc..



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