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Simple Captcha Solver with Python

I'm reaching to you to get some help and advices on creating a "Captcha Solver" using python and any image detection to text package

This is an example of the captcha (it contains only 4 character and its always numbers): 在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述 在此处输入图像描述

I am not sure if I should use a complex solver with AI and CNN and Machine Learning or just something more simple but I feel like I can't find a good tutorial... Instread I just find compagnies selling a package of multiple captcha solving...

Thanks in any case for the time and advice,


I have tried to use these:




I would recommend you use Tesseract or Tesseract.JS . You will find plenty of useful tutorials and articles on how to use Tesseract. you might wanna explore some additional Algorithms to reduce the noise in the image.

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