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Running a particular XML file for a chosen test suite (TestNG, Surefire)

I'm playing around this plugin and I wanted to run in terminal a specific test suite by its xml file.

when I do:

"mvn test -DsuiteXmlFile="test123Suite.xml"

it would always begin running the testng xml suite. When I switch their order in suiteXMLFiles , the first xml will trigger after the command even though i specified the name.

Why is surefire ignoring the fact that I don't want to run both of these suites and only runs them in order?


I have also put fork count to 1 so it doesnt run both of them at the same time, but what it probably does is runs both of them but sequentially.

I just wanted to call:

mvn test -DsuiteXmlFile="test123Suite.xml"

and run only tests inside of that suite.

In order to define the whole set of suite files you need to use property surefire.suiteXmlFiles , not surefire.suiteXmlFile .

this will run both

mvn clean test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles="test123Suite.xml,testng.xml"

this will run only one

mvn clean test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles="testng.xml"
mvn clean test -Dsurefire.suiteXmlFiles="test123Suite.xml"

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