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The argument type 'ImageIcon' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'IconData?'. (Documentation)

I am using a library that requires an icon of type package:flutter/src/widgets/icon_data.dart aka IconData . I'd like to use my own.png file asset as an icon. I googled for solutions and everybody points out to the usage of ImageIcon . However when using this - the following error appears:

            iconColor: GuiColors.textLight,
            color: GuiColors.primary,
            icon: ImageIcon(AssetImage("assets/icons/sword.png")),
            onTap: () {

The error is:

The argument type 'ImageIcon' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'IconData?'. (Documentation)

I don't have the package that contains CircularMenuItem but my guess is icon parameter expects Icon whereas ImageIcon has a return type ImageIcon . In this scenerio i don't think you can use your own icon with this package

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