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Condition in csproj is ignored

When I am running "do.net publish --runtime=linux-x64 -c Release" the libusb-1.0.pdb file is added to the publish folder even though the condition flag is set to different than Release

    <Content Include="..\lib\Windows\libusb-1.0.pdb" Condition="'$(Configuration)' != 'Release'">
    <Content Include="..\lib\Windows\libusb-1.0.pdb" Condition="'$(Configuration)' != 'Release'">

Assuming you reference a .dll file in the same location, MSBuild will pick up "related files" automatically. You can work around this by limiting the extensions of related files:

<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' != 'Release'">

Note that this is a copy of what can be found in the .NET SDK in Microsoft.Common.props but without an entry for .pdb .

Do note that you should no longer need to include the .pdb file as a Content item. If you do, you need to also keep your original definition for that item.

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