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How to create a BinaryBitmap from ImageProxy?

The Mlkit barcode scanning library has an issue with scanning Code 39 barcodes. So I have to replace it with the zxing library that seems to have no issues.

However CameraX is giving me back an ImageProxy object, and the zxing MultiFormatReader accepts a BinaryBitmap object.

I'm having trouble converting from one to the other, and it's giving me an index out of bounds exception. Here's my code:

private fun createBinaryBitmap(imageProxy: ImageProxy): BinaryBitmap {
        val data = ImageUtil.yuvImageToJpegByteArray(imageProxy, imageProxy.cropRect, 100)

        val source = PlanarYUVLuminanceSource(
        return BinaryBitmap(HybridBinarizer(source))

I've looked at other places and questions, but I honestly can't find the right approach.

Here is what I found in the zxing doc. Arguments dataWidth and dataHeight are different of respectively imageProxy.width and imageProxy.height, since data is a cropped image of imageProxy.

public PlanarYUVLuminanceSource(byte[] yuvData,
                                    int dataWidth,
                                    int dataHeight,
                                    int left,
                                    int top,
                                    int width,
                                    int height,
                                    boolean reverseHorizontal)

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