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Strapi: error when I register custom middlewares

I'm creating middlewares in strapi

I have three models, company, profile, people, and I'm registering three middlewares,

For instance, the middleware for company is in:

src/api/company/middlewares/my-middleware, which is:

module.exports = (config, { strapi }) => {
  return (context, next) => {
    console.log("middleware of company”);

I register each middleware in./config/middlewares.js as (I'm following strapi v4 documentation) https://docs.strapi.io/developer-docs/latest/setup-deployment-guides/configurations/required/middlewares.html

module.exports = [
    resolve: "./src/api/company/middlewares/my-middleware",
    resolve: "./src/api/people/middlewares/my-middleware",
    resolve: "./src/api/profile/middlewares/my-middleware",

No matter where I place these registrations, the outcome is the same

But now, if I call, from postman, http://localhost:1337/api/companies?populate=*, for example, the middleware is executed but I get an error saying that this address was not found,

If I comment out the middlewares registration, the error disappears but the middlewares are not executed

What could I be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

It seems like you never call the next function.

module.exports = (config, { strapi }) => {
  return (context, next) => {
    console.log("middleware of company”);

Keep in mind that if your middleware is async, you need to await next().

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