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Prestashop customers groups


I have a group of customers in particular (the 43). For this group of customers, I would like that from the "my account" section, there is a link that directs to a list of specific products to add to the basket and only these products (which I will select by id I imagine ). This option should only be available for customer group 43. I really have no idea how to do it. Do you have any ideas I could explore?

Thanks a lot

A list of specific product for a specific customers group to add to the basket

You'll need to restrict your customer group to access a single category to which you will need to link the products you intend to offer.

Then you'll need to develop a simple module hooked into the customer display account hook to display a link to that category, if customer belongs to that ID group.

If you are not familiar with Prestashop and module development there are a few concepts you will have to learn, you can start here

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