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Azure Key Vault - unable to find/select Front Door as Principle for access policy

I'm following this tutorial to use a custom SSL certificate in Front Door from Key Vault...


... it states that " In Select principal, search for ad0e1c7e-6d38-4ba4-9efd-0bc77ba9f037, and select Microsoft.Azure.Frontdoor "

However, when adding the access policy neither that GUID or "FrontDoor" is in the list ...


Any ideas on how to fix this? I need to give Front Door an ssl certificate for an apex domain

I tried to reproduce the same issue in my environment and got the below results

To add the custom domain and name we need the keyvault

For that I have created the keyvault while creating I have followed the below steps

Azure front door import custom certified only from the keyvault

First I have registered the azure front door service principal using the below script

New-AzADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId “XXXXXXXXXXX”


Go-TO Portal search for Keyvault create new keyvault In the first page give the name & region click on next to go to the access policy to new policy

In the certificate permissions select get, in the secret get & list & authorities


When I click on principal I am able to see azure front door in the list as shown


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