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How can i run a powershell script from a batch file as admin to join a domain?

I am trying to run this from a.cmd with run as administrator

powershell -Command "&{ Start-Process powershell Add-Computer -Domain "domain.domain" -Credential login -Verb RunAs -Wait -Confirm}"

The window to input password does pop up, but after I input the password I am greeted with the following error on my batch script.

Start-Process : O conjunto de parâmetros não pode ser resolvido usando os parâmetros nomeados especificados.
No linha:1 caractere:4
+ &{ Start-Process powershell Add-Computer -Domain domain.domain -Cr ...
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [Start-Process], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.StartProcessCommand

I want to join a domain via scripting, I tried to use.netdom, but it's exclusive to servers. I am dealing with client notebooks with Windows 10, very far from the server, and I don't have any admin access to the server domai. I am just formatting a huge amount of computers to a specified state, and that includes joining then on a domain. I don't care how I join the domain as long as I join the domain automatically, (if impossible asking for password is acceptable), from a batch or powershell script, and without instaling anything.

What about using this following in a.cmd file:

powershell -executionpolicy bypass -noexit "& ""C:\your\path\to\domainjoinscript.ps1"""


How to run a PowerShell script

The -executionpolicy bypass flag is because by default, PowerShell doesn't let you run un-trusted scripts (even if you created them). Either you have to disable the Execution Policy system-wide, or do it like this.

Your .ps1 file should contain:

add-computer -domainname "yourdomain" -restart

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