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How can I output the response from an API call into the page?

I'm trying to use this node package to get Rainbow Six Siege player info but I cant get it to work. I'm trying to update the span with the profileStats span

Note: I got the package to work in just a normal node environment so that part of the code should work

 // const R6 = require('r6s-stats-api') document.getElementById('search').addEventListener('click', updater) function updater() { var platform = document.getElementById('platform').value var name = document.getElementById('username').value // let ranked = await R6.rank(platform, name) let ranked = { url: 'https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Iner/', name: 'Iner', header: 'https://images-eds-ssl.xboxlive.com/image?url=wHwbXKif8cus8csoZ03RWwcxuUQ9WVT6xh5XaeeZD01lYI1.K4gGf7cqlZ1YM_tmW8qRVC.FFmMbdPQW96vXZsQwreP_gBgF_1gRNq_1MEYG.I_gg1USpTo.w7p9X9EFL3VbKuCqrVtHXWJWPFwdWjVZawugUn8OP8CdzeblMDQHhUJv42ods6makmoyftKW', kd: '1.33', kills: '9,762', deaths: '7,350', win_: '56.2%', wins: '967', losses: '753', time_played: '555h 23m 42s', matches: '1,721', kills_match: '5.67', kills_min: '0.29', mmr: 'K/D', rank: 'SILVER V', rank_img: 'https://imgur.com/NpBtpuL.png' }; document.getElementById('profileStats').innerText = ranked }
 <form> <input id="platform" class="platform" type="text" placeholder="Platform" /> <input id='username' class='username' type="text" placeholder="Username" /> <br> <input type="button" value="Search" id="search" /> </form> <span>Profile Stats: <span id="profileStats">stats</span></span>

Expected output:

Profile Stats: { url: 'https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Iner/', name: 'Iner', header: 'https://images-eds-ssl.xboxlive.com/image?url=wHwbXKif8cus8csoZ03RWwcxuUQ9WVT6xh5XaeeZD01lYI1.K4gGf7cqlZ1YM_tmW8qRVC.FFmMbdPQW96vXZsQwreP_gBgF_1gRNq_1MEYG.I_gg1USpTo.w7p9X9EFL3VbKuCqrVtHXWJWPFwdWjVZawugUn8OP8CdzeblMDQHhUJv42ods6makmoyftKW', kd: '1.33', kills: '9,762', deaths: '7,350', win_: '56.2%', wins: '967', losses: '753', time_played: '555h 23m 42s', matches: '1,721', kills_match: '5.67', kills_min: '0.29', mmr: 'K/D', rank: 'SILVER V', rank_img: 'https://imgur.com/NpBtpuL.png' }

You can't dump a raw JavaScript object into the page. You'd need to update the DOM with each individual property or loop over them.

 document.getElementById('search').addEventListener('click', updater) function updater() { const platform = document.getElementById('platform').value const name = document.getElementById('username').value const stats = document.getElementById('profileStats') // this would be populated with the data from the API let playerData = { url: 'https://r6.tracker.network/profile/xbox/Iner/', name: 'Iner', header: 'https://images-eds-ssl.xboxlive.com/image?url=wHwbXKif8cus8csoZ03RWwcxuUQ9WVT6xh5XaeeZD01lYI1.K4gGf7cqlZ1YM_tmW8qRVC.FFmMbdPQW96vXZsQwreP_gBgF_1gRNq_1MEYG.I_gg1USpTo.w7p9X9EFL3VbKuCqrVtHXWJWPFwdWjVZawugUn8OP8CdzeblMDQHhUJv42ods6makmoyftKW', kd: '1.33', kills: '9,762', deaths: '7,350', win_: '56.2%', wins: '967', losses: '753', time_played: '555h 23m 42s', matches: '1,721', kills_match: '5.67', kills_min: '0.29', mmr: 'K/D', rank: 'SILVER V', rank_img: 'https://imgur.com/NpBtpuL.png' }; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(playerData)) { stats.append(key + ': ' + value) stats.appendChild(document.createElement('br')) } }
 <form> <input id="platform" class="platform" type="text" placeholder="Platform" /> <input id='username' class='username' type="text" placeholder="Username" /> <br> <input type="button" value="Search" id="search" /> </form> Profile Stats: <br> <span id="profileStats"></span>

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